Cities Climate Action Webinar: Tackling the Biggest GHG Impacts

Cities Climate Action Webinar: Tackling the Biggest GHG Impacts

On February 20, 2021, over 100 interested residents, officials, and governmental staff attended a PCA webinar on tackling the biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts. Existing buildings and the transportation sector account for 70 to 90 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in our cities, so it essential to address the impacts of these sectors in climate action plans. (For information on other webinars we’ve offered, see our Webinars page.)

Click here for the recording

During the webinar, Chris Benedict, a leading NYC architect, shared her experience in transforming an occupied apartment complex into an energy efficient and all-electric facility. Dr. Alexandre Milovanoff, a University of Toronto researcher, explained how his research shows that that to adequately cut GHG emissions in the transportation sector, we need to think more broadly than just the (important) transition to electric vehicles (EVs). We also need careful city planning and action, so that people need less transportation in their daily lives, and have increased low- or zero-emission options for getting around.

Summit Presentations

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Many thanks to the presenters, to those who helped publicize this event, and to all who attended!