Cities Climate Action Webinar: Focus on Buildings
On May 2, 2020, over 100 interested residents, officials, and governmental staff attended our webinar on how cities can shrink the climate impact of buildings. Buildings are an essential element in climate action plans because, in our country, buildings account for over a third of all greenhouse gas emissions. (For information on other webinars we’ve offered, see our Webinars page.)
Click here for the recording (requires password)
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During the webinar, Vincent Martinez and Erin McDade, national leaders in the field of reducing buildings emissions through public policy, laid out key policy steps for achieving the level of reductions we need in our building sector. Before their presentations, we were joined by Bellevue City Council Member Janice Zahn, who framed the important role of our local cities in reducing emissions.
Summit Presentations
- Court Olson’s opening slides: importance of cities and buildings in relation to climate
- Vince Martinez’s presentation: key policies for reducing emissions from buildings
- Erin McDade’s presentation: Decarbonizing Bellingham
- Court Olson’s closing slides: next steps
Some helpful links about reducing emissions in buildings
- Achieving Zero: a framework for phasing out CO2 emissions in the urban built environment by mid-century. Includes a framework for accelerating energy upgrades in existing buildings.
- Shift Zero: the Zero Net Carbon Building Alliance.
- Carbon Smart Building: includes information and tools for choosing carbon smart building materials.
- Architecture 2030, whose mission is “to rapidly transform the built environment from the major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central solution to the climate crisis.”
Many thanks to the presenters, to those who helped publicize this event, and to all who attended!