
Seattle Chapter

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Monthly Meetings: 7-9 P.M. on the fourth Tuesday of each month on Zoom. Join the mailing list for a Zoom link.

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Seattle Climate Agenda for 2024

What We Do

We work with and support Seattle city council members and the Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) to implement a comprehensive, robust, equitable, and measurable climate action plan (CAP) to reach the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set by the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration. This includes advocating for issues such as better public transit, electrified transportation, and a path to transitioning building heating from fossil fuels to electricity generated from renewable energy sources. 

PCA-Seattle is a member of the countywide PCA Coalition, whose mission is to help local governments develop and implement comprehensive CAPs to reach the GHG reduction targets set by the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C). So, we also meet with the four (out of nine) King County council members who represent areas of Seattle.

The Port of Seattle, which includes the airport and seaport, is a separate jurisdiction – and a member of K4C – whose five commissioners are elected by all the voters of King County. Therefore, the Port is a concern for the countywide PCA Coalition. Several PCA-Seattle members are concerned about the Port’s GHG emissions. They participated in the successful opposition to the building of a new cruise ship terminal in Pioneer Square, which would have not only increased particulate pollution in Seattle and environs, but would have also increased GHG emissions from air travel and ocean travel, as well as increased stress on our fragile remaining orca population. They are working with others to advocate for changes that will reduce the multitude of harms that cruise ships cause.


PCA-Seattle is committed to advocating for comprehensive climate action planning for our city. As part of this, we periodically send letters to local elected officials, advocating for elements of climate action planning that we feel are important. Here are letters we have sent on various issues.